Youth Advocates of Sitka
Empowering the Youth of Alaska

If you are aware of a child who is abused or neglected, contact Alaska's Office of Children's Services immediately at 1-800-478-4444

About Us

Youth Advocates of Sitka, Inc. is a community based non-profit mental health agency founded in 1975 in Sitka, Alaska. We specialize in providing mental and behavioral health services to youth and their families.
Our target population is youth ages 5 to 21 who are experiencing mental health disorders and concerning behaviors which have impacted their ability to function successfully in the home, school, and community.
We provide strength-based support, behavioral counseling services, address mental health issues, and help youth build the life skills necessary to live a healthy, happy, and productive life.
Our organization was created in response to the need for a juvenile home, a project born out of the Sitka Community Action Group. The Sitka Receiving Home, later renamed Hanson House, started as a five bed facility for young people who needed emergency care, temporary care, or the structured environment of a group home.
Today, in addition to the Hanson House, Youth Advocates of Sitka provides an array of wrap-around services and programs to address the mental and behavioral health needs of Alaska's youth and their families.

Client Driven Treatment
YAS will always act in the best interest of the client.

YAS demonstrates honesty, transparency and collaboration through all actions and community involvement.

We support youth empowerment through an individual strength-based approach.

Community Connections
YAS facilitates engagement with families, culture and community.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
YAS views diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as the pathway to achieving inclusive excellence and fostering a culture where everyone can thrive.
YAS recognizes that we are working and living on L’ingit Aani and acknowledges the excellent stewardship of the indigenous peoples of Southeast Alaska.

Access Support
If you know a young person who might benefit from receiving mental or behavioral health services, please contact us at 907-747-3687 or fill out the referral form to the right. If you are seeking services for yourself or your family, please fill out the application for services. You can send these forms to
Our mission is to support the mental health of Alaska's youth and their families.
Our vision is to empower youth to grow into healthy, happy, and productive members of our community.
We provide wrap around mental and behavioral health services to meet the needs of our clients in the home, school, and community.